

【楼诚大法背单词】S1 E12




adj.1 lacking a definite plan, purpose, or pattern (random)

2 passing from one topic to another (discursive)

1 随意的随性的散漫的


"I never call for an operation without a meticulous plan. Anything desultory may result in an unpredictable loss." Lou told Cheng after giving instructions of tomorrow's op. (1) 



adj.1 free from any intent to deceive or impress others (guileless)

2 lacking in worldly wisdom or informed judgment (naive)

1 无意欺骗或隐瞒的

2 天真的,无世故圆滑的

Tai felt that his world breaks into pieces when he discovered the dirty deals of the oversight, who he once ingenuously believed to fully focus on protecting the country. (2)



adj.based on observation or experience


"No worries to follow the guidelines I gave you for raising children that are based on empirical evidence. Just see how great a person my 'kid' has grown up to." Lou told Tai proudly, looking towards Cheng as if he was looking at a masterpiece he had made. 



vb.to use flattery or the doing of favors in order to win approval especially from a superior


Zhongchun is one of those typical officers who couldn't wait to fawn over his boss. 



vb. to keep from happening by taking action in advance


"I always try my best to obviate casualty, but I still got you shot today. And I am right the person who did it." said Lou guiltily, dealing with Cheng's wound. 



adj.1 relating to pathology

2 involving or caused by a physical or mental illness (morbid, diseased)

1 与病理学相关的

2 由于生理或心理疾病导致的

"Once injected in this 'Truth Serum', you would have some irreversible pathological abnormality in your central nervous system. How intriguing, isn't it?" said Manchun, smiling maliciously at Tai, who was hung on a metal cross with a mass of wound on his body. 



n.matter that settles to the bottom of a body of liquid (deposit)



Mixing the sodium chloride and silver nitrate gives you the white precipitate the chemical nature of which is an indissolvable compound named silver chloride.



vb. 1 to put an end to something planned or previously agreed to (cancel)

2 to put an end to by formal action (abolish)

1 取消一件提前安排好或定好的事情

2 (正式)撤销或结束一件事

"It's too late to inform Tai to rescind this operation. He is already on his way." said Cheng with a worried face. 

"Don't panic. Let me think." said Lou, sounding extremely fatigue, "It's not yet midnight, right? He should still be alive."



n. a person who is always ready to doubt or question the truth or existence of something



Provided with hard evidence of victims and their suffering, even the right-winged skeptics couldn't deny the authenticity of Nanjing Massacre. 



vb. to offer honor or respect to (someone) as a divine power (worship)


Stopped by Lou's precaution last night, Cheng watched Lou, a man who should have been venerated by the students, dragged out of the office, brutally pushed on the truck and taken away right in front of him.



adj. 1 extreme in degree, power, or effect (intense)

2 having or showing the desire to inflict severe pain and suffering on other (cruel)

1 极端的,极致(以至于有些变态)的

2 恶毒的,拥有或展示出施暴倾向的

"Would it be so vicious to show Tai the dark deals of KMT this early?" Cheng asked, worried. 

"It's fine. The truth is always there. He needs to learn to face it sooner or later." Lou replied, try to calm down Cheng's worry. (2)

BONUS WORD:This word is not included in the GRE vocabulary. It's just a word I found interesting when it appeared in my reading materials. 



adj. 1(literally means) having complex patterns of colors; multicolored

2 (often used to describe) made up of a complex mix of elements; multifaceted

1 (本义/字面意)多种颜色的,万花筒状的

2 (现多用来形容)由很多有元素组成的,多面的,五花八门的

"The kaleidoscopic view about Japan's role in the governing of Shanghai is to a large extent reflected in social media, which is very likely to drive most civilians' position. That's why we need to have absolute control over the press of newspaper." said Lou to his secretaries, holding one piece of newspaper in his left hand which included one editorial by him full of nonsense.


智障lofter吃掉了我无数个空格,我还在修正,大家见谅  (手动扶额.jpg)

